Here at 7bags we try our best to be a "GREEN" company. It all starts with the little things we can do. We never print emails or documents unless we have to, unfortunately we must enclose a paper VAT invoice with all orders by law so we do, but would prefer to email them. Our admin office is completely solar powered when there is light, with a 3kw/hour government approved and installed solar system, we use no electricity from the grid, and actually supply back to it any excess.
All of our stock before it is dispatched to you is boxed, 90% of this cardboard is already recycled and is then recycled by us 100% where possible. We will always re-use boxes down to even jiffy bags where possible, if we cannot, it is straight to the recycling centre for recycling.
Our team always prefer to cycle or use London Underground for travel. British weather permitting of course!
A lot of our stock is held in warehousing around the country, most of these warehouses are large companies, also with excellent green policies. Amazon, our main fulfillment centre are very green, being a very young and dynamic company spending millions on green systems and recycled packaging every year.
On the whole, we are aware of our environment and enviromental issues and try our best to do our part to be green for the benefit of all.